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Retail Systems
Rewards Kiosk
Willowbrook Shopping Centre - Langley, BC
Client's Request:
To streamline the membership application process of their
existing, successful loyalty program and to offer an
electronic rewards catalogue. For more information on the
loyalty program see our project section Data Acquisition.
KLN's Contribution:
Software engineering, system installation and training
In addition to allowing shopping center customers to fill out
membership applications, the kiosk interacts with loyalty
club members by giving them access to their loyalty point
accounts, printing redemption certificates for special offers,
administering requests for entries into selected prize draws
and updating member's information, all by simple selections
from the touch screen.
The kiosk also displays all current
offers from participating stores, thus doubling as a cost
effective electronic catalogue that mall staff can easily
update at any time. Furthermore, it allows mall
administration to effortlessly integrate frequent electronic
draws into their "Just Rewards" loyalty program, that attract customers to
come in on a weekly basis, increasing regular mall traffic
without the expense of additional advertising.

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Contract Design Engineering, Prototyping, and Manufacturing Services

KLN KLEIN Product Development Inc.
(Located in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Area)
Langley, B.C., CANADA
Phone: (604) 530-1491
Website: www.klnklein.com
Copyright ©1994-2022 KLN KLEIN Product Development Inc.